Our Special Distressed Asset Service is a specialized division of Gateway Asset Management, focused on the management and liquidation of distressed loans.
We build and evaluate special assets groups
Having evaluated commercial portfolios totaling over $150 Billion and consumer portfolios totaling over $250 Billion, Gateway is uniquely placed to assist in this important function. We have been engaged for advisory services by over 150 FDIC insured institutions and have evaluated the special asset group capabilities in each of these institutions with recommendations for best practices in each engagement.
Gateway has been engaged to build complete Special Assets Groups, including:
- structure,
- capacity,
- staffing,
- compensation,
- policy,
- management and Board reporting
- lead and control strategy,
- individual action plans,
- actual account level and
- guarantor negotiations,
- OREO liquidation and
- NPA sales that are FDIC Loss Share Compliant(if applicable) resulting in a complete turnkey SAG function.
Gateway has also been successful in augmenting special asset group staffing from our team of experienced Senior Advisors.